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Silk‐Inspired β‐Peptide Materials Resist Fouling and the Foreign‐Body Response

The foreign body reaction (FBR) of the host usually impairs the function of implants such as medical devices. The polyβ -homoserine (β -HS) material consists of the hydrophilic unnatural amino acid β -homoserine. Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs)of β -HS can resist the adsorption of multiple proteins, as well as the adhesion of cells, platelets and various microorganisms. The three-month experiment showed that although the implantation of control PEG hydrogels caused a significant inflammatory response, collagen encapsulation and accumulation of macrophages, the response using β -HS hydrogels was minimal. Surprisingly, β -HS hydrogel els induce angiogenesis in tissues adjacent to the implant.


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