Control and biomedical applications of magnetron micro and nanorobot clusters

Using magnetically spiral spiral shaped micro-nanorobots to achieve targeted drug delivery. The micro-nanoscale robot, made of metals or polymers, has a spiral-shaped structure that can generate propulsion forces driven by a rotating magnetic field, moving along blood vessels or other fluid channels. The micro-nanorobots can load drugs or other functional materials and deliver precise magnetic field control to specific sites, such as tumors, thromts or infections, to achieve efficient therapeutic effects. Using magnetron microrobots for cell manipulation and analysis. The microrobot is made of magnetic materials and can move in a microfluidic chip or a cell culture dish under the manipulation of an external magnetic field. Such microrobots can capture, manipulate, isolate, or release individual cells or cell clusters, thus enabling precise control and detection of cells. Such miniature robots can be used in cell sorting, cell biology research, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine and other fields.


