Chiral Hydrogel Biomaterials

Chiral hydrogel biomaterials are a type of hydrogel materials that have chiral structures and functions, which can be used for various applications in biomedical fields, such as drug delivery, tissue engineering, biosensing, etc.¹


The main methods for preparing chiral hydrogel biomaterials are as follows:

- Using chiral molecules or nanoparticles as the building units of hydrogels, forming hydrogels with chiral structures through self-assembly or crosslinking.²³

- Using external stimuli, such as light, magnetic, electric, temperature, etc., to induce conformational changes or phase transitions of non-chiral hydrogels, forming hydrogels with chiral structures.

- Using template method, filling non-chiral hydrogels into templates with chiral structures, such as helical tubes, DNA double helix, etc., making the hydrogels replicate the chiral structures of the templates.


Literature case studies:(参考文献)

- Fabrication of a chiral luminescent hydrogel from gold nanoclusters via molecular recognition. Chemical Communications, 2021, 57, 10014-10017. ²

- Chiral graphene-based supramolecular hydrogels toward tumor therapy. Polymer Chemistry, 2022, 13, 2068-2075. ³


