Preparation of therapeutic factor nanocarriers

Construct nano drug delivery system particles with an average particle diameter of 20-200nm, which specifically include drug carriers such as nanopolymers, nanoliposomes, nanomicelles, and nanometal particles. Such nanoparticles circulate in the bloodstream for a long time, and can utilize the passive distribution and EPR characteristics of biological organisms to promote selective aggregation of therapeutic factors (including nanoparticles) in tumors or inflammatory lesions.

Services involved: design prescription conditions, optimize preparation process, sample verification

Physical and chemical index: particle size index 20~200nm, stable release

Stability: 6-12 months

The company provides the following conventional chemical drugs, nucleic acids, and protein carriers:

name name name

Paclitaxel PLGA Nanoparticles

Paclitaxel & salinomycin co-loaded micelles

Camptothecin Nanomicelles

Adriamycin PEGylated liposome

Cisplatin PEGylated liposome

Amphotericin B liposome

Vincristine liposome

PEGylated siRNA-LUC liposome

PEGylated miRNA-LUC liposomes

PE immunotoxin nanoparticles


