

【Numbering】BKMC120001 【CAS】CAS
【Item No.】 【specification】
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Name: Collagen
Composition: a suspended hydrogel collagen scaffold
Size: 20-200 μ m
Application: Bionic heart
Storage conditions: -4℃
Other instructions: Half year shelf life under sealing state [Main advantages] Based on the dual sensitivity of gel to temperature and pH, innovative "double liquid phase" printing, a colloidal liquid phase as supporting material (gel), rigid body under low shear stress and viscous fluid under high shear stress; another soft target liquid phase as molding material (collagen, alginate gel and fibrin, etc.), the soft target phasic is printed into a specific liquid phase supporting material with higher accuracy

Title:3D bioprinting of collagen to rebuild components of the human heart

Article link:https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aav9051?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%20%200pubmed

Warm tips: Suzhou Beike nano products are only used for scientific research, not for human body,different batches of products have different specifications and performance


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Warm tips: Suzhou Beike nano products are only used for scientific research, not for human body,different batches of products have different specifications and performance.The website pictures are from the Internet. The pictures are for reference only. Please take the real object as the standard. In case of infringement, please contact us to delete them immediately.
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